Class Assignments...


Assignment No. 1

1. What is the difference between passive and active security attacks?
2. What are the essential ingredients of a symmetric cipher?
3. What is the difference between block and stream cipher?
4. Briefly explain the Caesar cipher.
5. What are two problems with the one-time pad?

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Assignment No. 2

Q.1. What are the roles of the public and private keys?
Q. 2. What are the principal elements of a public-key cryptosystem?
Q. 3. What is a one-way function? What is a trap-door one-way function?

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With Experiment No. 4

Assignment No. 3

Q. 1. What are the principal elements of a public-key cryptosystem?
Q. 2. What types of attacks are addressed by message authentication?
Q. 3. What is a message authentication code?

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Assignment No. 4

Q. 1. Briefly explain the Diffie-Hellman key exchange.
Q. 2. Users A & B use the Diffie-Hellman key exchange technique with a common prime q = 71 and a primitive root a = 7.  
     a. If user A has private key XA = 5, what is A’s public key YA?
     b. If user B has private key XB = 12, what is B’s public key YB?
     c. What is the shared secret key?

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With Experiment No. 5
.cbp file with DES

With Experiment No. 6
.cbp file with MD5

Assignment No. 5

Q. 1. What are the properties a digital signature should have?

Q. 2. Write and explain the Attacks and Forgeries in digital signature.

Q. 3. Write a note on Kerberos.

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