Unit No. 1: Important Questions

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Is To Protect Data And Passwords

A.    Encryption

B.    Authentication

C.    Authorization

D.    Non Repudiation

2. Prevents Either Sender Or Receiver From Denying A Transmitted Message

A.    Non Repudiation

B.    Data Integrity

C.    Active Attack

D.    Passive Attack

3. In Playfair cipher technique combining i&j, if PT = MYNAMEISATUL and Keyword = PLAYFAIREXAMPLE, CT=                                 





4.    In which the intruder observe the pattern of the message from sender to receiver.

A.    Replay

B.    Denial of service

C.    Masquerade

D.    Traffic analysis

5. In Rail fence of depth 2, the ciphertext of PT :- we are TE students is                       




D.    None of these

6.    A process that is designed to detect, prevent or recover is called as                  

A.    Security Mechanism

B.    None of these

C.    Security Attack

D.    Security Service

7.  Protection of all user data in single data block is done by which service.

A.    Repudiation

B.    Integrity

C.    Connectionless confidentiality

D.    Both a&b

8.  The Vernam Cipher is also called as                             

A. polyalphabetic

B. Caesar

C. Hill cipher

D. One time Pad


9.  In pervasive mechanism            refers to data collected and potentially used to facilitate a security audit.

A.    security recovery

B.    event detection

C.    security audit trail

D.      all the above

10. ------------ integrity provide selective fields within user.

        A. selective field connection integrity

B. connectionless integrity

C. connection connection integrity

D. all the above

11. In data encryption standard ,S boxes each of which accepts           bits as input and produces             bits as output.

A. 3,2

B. 2,2

C. 6,4

D. 8,8

12. In data encryption algorithm        bit key is used as input.

A. 32

B. 48

C. 8

D. 64

13. In case of avalanche effect a change in one bit of the plain text or one bit of the key should produce a change in ……… bits of the ciphertext.

       A. many

B. three

C. two

D. one

14. In DES algorithm, Each row of an S box defines a general            substitution

A. irreversible

B. none of the above

C. both a&b

D. reversible

15.   In data encryption standard algorithm            is produced by the combination of left circular shift and permutation.

A. subkey(ki)

B. private key

C. public key

D. secrete key

Descriptive Questions

Q.1. Explain different types of attacks with examples?

Q.2   Explain X.800 Security services?

Q.3   Explain X.800 Security Mechanisms.?

Q.4. Explain the model of a conventional cryptosystem?

Q.5 Explain the Play fair cipher with an example?

Q.6. Explain Transposition Techniques with Examples?

Q.7. Explain a single round of the DES algorithm?

Q.8Explain Hill Cipher with an Example?

Q.9Explain a model for network security with a neat diagram.

Q.10. What is the substitution technique? Explain Caesar, monoalphabetic cipher?


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